
Hi, guys.

This blog post will definitely have a different feel from my others. As many know, hundreds of thousands of people have reacted to the death of Freddie Gray in numerous ways. For Baltimore, many (but not all) reacted with violence, rioting, and looting.

Situations were so intense that the National Guard had to step in and a curfew was declared in the city. However, the pleas that “Black Lives Matter” still rightly-so resounded across the world, across the Holy Cross campus.

This afternoon, a prayer was held by the campus ministry leaders and chaplains outside of Hogan. It was a simple program, one that got directly to the point. We stood there, students and faculty, praying and hoping for justice. We wanted justice not only in Baltimore, but everywhere.

Here is a section from the Invitation to Pledge we all read aloud:

“WE pledge to examine our own biases and positions of privilege through self-reflection, and earnestly work to resolve them.

WE pledge to live by compassion and be consciously inclusive of all individuals.

WE pledge to affirm the value of diversity.

WE pledge to promote understanding, inclusion, and mutual respect, and thus build community within all races, ethnicities, and cultures.

WE pledge to transform our institutions into authentically anti-racist and anti-oppressive communities of action.

WE pledge to advocate for justice, demand equal opportunity for all and so help create a beloved community for everyone to share.”

I have the program and pictures attached below. The photos do not accurately display how many people were gathered today. 


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